Can I book a parking space in advance?
You can make a Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Public Car Park booking from 30 minutes to 7 days prior to entry.
How long is the parking period for each booking?
Booking is available for parking periods of:
i. Car Park 1: minimum 2 hours to maximum 168 hours (7 days)
ii. Car Park 2: minimum 2 hours to maximum 72 hours (3 days).
Which types of vehicle can enjoy the booking service?
The booking service is applicable to private car, motorcycle and van-type light goods vehicle*.
*On-site booking is not applicable to van-type light goods vehicle.
How can I amend or cancel my booking?
Booking can be amended or cancelled at least 2 hours prior to the booked entry time through the Manage Booking feature with your registered mobile phone number and booking number. HK$100 administration fee will be charged for each booking amendment or cancellation. Amendment of booking is only applicable to amendment for "Entry Date & Time and/or Exit Date & Time". Other confirmed information cannot be amended.*
*On-site booking cannot be amended or cancelled.
How can I know whether my booking is accepted?
A confirmation with a booking number will be sent to you by SMS. You may use the booking number with your mobile phone number to manage your booking online.
What is on-site booking?
Except for weekends, public holidays and the preceding working day, subject to the availability of parking spaces, on-site booking is allowed.
On-site booking vehicles must leave the carpark before 11:00pm on Thursday or before 11:00pm on two working days preceding a public holiday.
Parking fees (including overtime parking charges) for on-site booking vehicles are the same as those for online booking.
On-site booking is not applicable to van-type light goods vehicle (Car Park 2)
On-site booking must follow the following procedures:
i. Provide car plate no., Octopus card no. and estimated time of departure before entering the car park.
ii. After parking, the driver must go to the shroff office to complete the booking procedures, including confirmation of the booking period, payment of parking fees and collection of receipt issued by the shroff office as a proof of completion of the booking procedures. Otherwise, overtime parking charges will apply to the whole parking period.
No amendment or cancellation is allowed after completion of booking and payment.
Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Public Car Park Service Enquiries.
1. Contact us at +852 3590 6150 / +852 3586 9513 or
2. Via email at or
3. WhatsApp Customer Service at +852 6489 1675 ( Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00 excluding holidays )
How do I enter the car park?
Please enter the designated car park with the registered Octopus Card at the time of booking. Please be reminded that the vehicle classification must be the same as that you registered at the time of booking.
What if I arrive earlier than the booked entry time?
Entry to the car park earlier than the booked entry time is not allowed. Please enter the car park within the booked period.
What if I arrive later than the booked entry time?
You may still enter the car park within 8 hours (applicable to Car Park 1) or 1 hour (applicable to Car Park 2) from the booked entry time. If you arrive later than 8 hours (applicable to Car Park 1) or 1 hour (applicable to Car Park 2) from the booked entry time, your reserved parking space may be released to others but you may still be allocated with parking space, subject to the availability of parking spaces at the time of entry. However, your parking period is valid up to the booked exit time only.
What if I leave earlier than the booked exit time?
You may leave earlier than the booked exit time but no refund will be granted for the unused parking period.
What if I leave later than the booked exit time?
If you leave the car park after your booked exit time, the overtime parking charging rate will be 400% of the booking hourly parking rate for the first two hours and 500% of the booking hourly parking rate for the remaining additional parking time. Irrespective of the duration of the parking time beyond the booked exit time, the daily or overnight parking rate shall not apply.
Any specific parking space for car park booking?
You are guaranteed with a parking space in the car park but no specific parking space will be allocated.
Is multi-entry allowed during the booked parking period?
No. You are only allowed to enter and exit the car park once for each booking.
Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Public Car Park Service Enquiries.
1. Contact us at +852 3590 6150 / +852 3586 9513 or
2. Via email at or
3. WhatsApp Customer Service at +852 6489 1675 ( Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00 excluding holidays )
How can I settle payment for my booking?
We accept payment by Visa or MasterCard through the online booking platform. You are required to use the registered Octopus for your entry to and exit from the car park for the booked period.*
*For on-site booking, drivers must go to the shroff office to complete the booking procedures and pay the parking fee after parking.
What is the parking rate for car park booking?
Please refer to Parking Rates for more details.
How can I settle the overtime parking charges if I park longer than the booked period?
If you exit later than the booked exit time, overtime parking charges will be automatically calculated and charged to the registered Octopus Card at exit.
Any refund for no-show?
If you do not enter the car park during the booked period and fail to cancel your booking at least 2 hours in advance, no refund will be granted.
Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Public Car Park Service Enquiries.
1. Contact us at +852 3590 6150 / +852 3586 9513 or
2. Via email at or
3. WhatsApp Customer Service at +852 6489 1675 ( Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00 excluding holidays )